--> Thus Sayeth The Hellhounds
Random Quotes from the HMC Board

"My my look it all the spamming I missed today"

"The monkey's been humping robots??"

"If you want my doggie and you think he's sexy..."

"Bobo's not a supermonkey! Just a super monkey...OK, that was so lame...that should be a federal offense.."

"Ok, so it's decided then? We blame Nick for killing Santa, math issues and. . . what the hell, let's blame Nick for Canada, too!"

"Now THAT is the SHIT!!"

"Note to self: remember to download latest pictures of self to computer."

"Yes, you are like my court jester...... only instead, the roof idiot. "

"Don't tell me you don't think he's hot. Look at that pot belly...mmm."



"NO talk about kiddies...I still have 4 days till the madness starts."

"Awwww she's teething!! Welcome to my hell mate!"

"She pooed in my plants yesterday."

"Welp....I'm either going to be applauded, or I'm going to be ducking fruit all week."

"Eh...what the hell do I know? I'm drunk, here, remember?!"

"I agree with Nora... NO Ben Asscrack please... what is it with those two?"

"Dentelle? Is that french for floss?...LOL And should I be scared that Danny knows so much about women's fashions?"

"Aww your too sweet...that's me..Mr.Happy pants."

"Although you can spam my thread anytime"

"Nothing says smut like a bunch of gorillas."

"Ninja Snoopy is one with the night. He could be standing next to you and you wouldn't even know it. He's in your room right now."

"The tables have turned oh wise one..... the tables have turned."

"Give it up...she's lost to you forever. Try for the New Jersey governer's wife"

"Well, yes of course. And calling someone a 'fuckwad' is the polite way to go!"

"GOATS GOATS GOATS You can never have enough goats!!"